Increasing the competence of potential local applicants, project promoters or their representatives in the field of business and social business.

Project promoters:

Project Management and Training Center

Duration of the project:

2020 (12 months)

Project implementation area:

Ignalina district municipality

Project objective:

to help solve the problem of lack of services for rural population and poverty reduction by training potential candidates wich advocates for social entrepreneurship.

Target group of the project:

residents of the territory of the Ignalina district local action group wich are planing to apply and / or implement or plan to implementing projects


Tasks of the local project:

1. Provide basic knowledge in the field of business, social business and development skills to the residents of the Ignalina district local action group (5 training cycles “Stages of entrepreneurship: from idea to implementation. Case study”).
The training will include providing participants with knowledge and skills on how to start a social business: identifying the need for services, identifying the viability of an idea, steps to set up a social business and practical management tips, formalizing gender equality in a social business. Attention will also be given to different forms of service and business presentation.
2. To provide additional business, social business knowledge and development skills to the residents of the Ignalina district local action group (4 training cycle "Be visible: Social business marketing tools and solutions. Practical modeling").
The training will include providing participants with the knowledge and skills to start social business marketing (marketing to create or create a social business: identifying the need for marketing services, identifying target marketing service recipients and how to reach them,management tips for the success of social business products / services.
The project is partly funded by the EAFRD and the State budget of the Republic of Lithuania.
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