“New communication and cooperation model for better information about the youth guarantee“ No. VS/2016/0023
Project Management and Training Center (PVMC) with partners Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania (SADM), Lithuanian Labor Exchange under the Ministry of Social Security and Labor (LDB), Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK), Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and Labor (JRD), European Movement in Lithuania (EJL), Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania (ŽŪR), Association of the Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LPPARA), Lithuanian Trade Union Solidarumas (LPS, Solidarity), Lithuanian Association “Window to the Future "(LIA) and the Lithuanian Students Union (LSS) jointly implement the project „New communication and cooperation model for better information about the youth guarantee” Nr. VS/2016/0023.
Project is funded by the European Commission, Project Management and tarining center (PVMC) and partners.
Youth unemployment is a complicated problem caused by various economic and social factors. Reacent statistics show that the youth unemployment problem in Lithuania is decreasing and is currently 18.4% (Eurostat, March 2015). Mismatch of labour supply in demand, gaps in education system, lack of career guidance, distorted attitudes of young people to work, motivation and career planning are still having a major impact on young people's unemployment. In Lithuania, many different institutions are joining the fight to decreasing youth unemployment in Lithuania. This project is a pilot initiative to create a new information and communication model between the social partners. This model is based on the concept that all documents in web pages and other publicly accessible information should be summarized and systemed. Usually, it's very difficult for a young person to select the information he needs from a large amount of information. The core of this project model is an integrated information platform and mobile application whitch integrates, selects and individually provides targeted information to the system's user. With the active participation and cooperation of the social partners, information about youth guarantees will be distributed to target groups. The project will also create additional tools will be developed during the project: video, publicity packages, media coverage, etc. Publication will take place throughout Lithuania. The main objective of the action is to effectively accelerate Youth guarantees implementation in Lithuania, involving the social partners. The goal is to create an effective communication and cooperation model that can help young people find individual jobs or find training offers. The aim of this project is to create conditions for cooperation that would allow young people to enter the education / training system more quickly or to find a permanent job. By implementing the objectives of the Youth Guarantee Project, stakeholders will be encouraged to work more closely and to exchange information. The information provided on the established information platform, the mobile application and the additional promotional packages and the information provided by various partners about youth guarantees will be automatically structured and displayed to target groups. This will help to more effectively exchange of information and improve the quality of work and will ensure two-sided communication and cooperation mechanisms within the Member State. In addition, the pilot communication and collaboration model using IT solutions and additional publicity tools, will reach young people more quickly and will engage them.
Project duration: 2016-02-08 – 2017-07-15.
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